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Town of Wartrace Services

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Animal Control
Brush Pick-up

Animal Control

Animal Control

Brush Pick-up

Branch Removal

It is not permissible in Tennessee for dog owners to allow their dogs to run at large. Tennessee Code Annotated 44-8-408 (b) provides as follows: "The owner of a dog commits an offense if that dog goes uncontrolled upon the premises of another without the consent of the owner of the premises or other person authorized to give consent, or goes uncontrolled by the owner upon a highway, public road, street, or any other place open to the public generally." Exceptions are dogs used for hunting, driving stock, or for police or military use. 


Animals may be taken to the Bedford County Animal Control facility, located at 205 Lane Parkway in Shelbyville. Currently the county has a policy in place that does not allow residents of any "city" to bring animals, however we are working to partner with the county to address this.  The facility *does* allow adoptions. If you are interested in adopting a dog or cat, please consider a rescue pup or kitty. 

  • We will designate the first week in each month for the residents to put their brush out to the curb

  • This schedule is active every month of the year.

  • We believe it allows residents to get rid of their yard waste on a very regular basis without creating too much of a burden on our workforce.


Limbs are to be no longer than 8 feet in length and weigh no more than 60 lbs.


Brush must be brought to the edge of the road and accessible.

Brush must be from that lot/residence.


If an outside contractor cuts the brush, they are responsible for hauling it off.



Garbage Pick-up


Current tax rate is 1.3094%. Taxes are mailed the first of October and are considered delinquent the first day of March the following year. Penalty and interest accrue at a rate of 2% for each month taxes are delinquent. Taxes delinquent for over a year will be turned over to Bedford County Chancery Court for collection. Additional fees will be charged for collection.


Tax Relief for Seniors, Disabled


The town of Wartrace through the State of Tennessee is now accepting applications for property tax relief.  Homeowners who are over 65 years of age, disabled, disabled veteran, or widow(er) of a disabled veteran may be eligible.


There are no income requirements for fully disabled veterans or their widow(ers), however the maximum income amount per household for elderly homeowners or disabled homeowners is $29,180. If you meet these basic eligibility requirements, please stop by the Town Hall or the County Trustee and we can calculate if you would be fully eligible.

Starting on July 1, 2021, Wartrace will no longer offer a trash pickup service. Ending trash pickup service was a very difficult decision for the town to make but with the availability of the Bedford County Convenience Center in Wartrace at no charge and multiple solid waste companies in this area, the cost savings will be approximately $33,000 each year.


If you are aware of local trash pickup providers, please contact Town Hall and we will add them to this online list. As we are unable to make a recommendation, you are encouraged to call and get prices from different providers. Here are some we found:


Cass Waste Services (931) 492-4800

Dependable Dumpsters (931) 536-4675

DSC Sanitation (931) 684-5635

D&R Dumpster (931) 684-1685

Floyd Trash Service (615) 603-5385


Bedford County Convenience Center (free)


Tel: (931) 389-6864

Address: 1055 Smartt Street (also 206 Sunset Blvd.)



Monday and Friday, 6:00 am – 5:00 pm

Wednesday, 6:00 am – 10:00 am and 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Saturday, 6:00 am – 4:00 pm

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